Ocean County tile store for mosaics, ceramic, natural stone, marble, slate tile

Welcome to Brick Tile & Stone. We offer customers an endless choice of imported and domestic tile for residential and commercial use. Our showroom in Ocean county New Jersey has every type of tile on display; such as mosaics, glass, stone, ceramic, marble, and travertine. You'll also find exclusive brands that the big box stores don't carry, along with 20+ years of experience in the tile business. When you're ready to make your home look its best, look no further than Brick Tile & Stone.

Some of our exclusive tile brands:

Roca Arpa Vallelunga Adex FloridaTile Daltile EK Arex mosaic
Brick NJ tile and stone in Ocean County

Visit our tile showroom:

2104 Route 88, Brick, New Jersey

Get directions to our Ocean County showroom

Showroom Hours:

Monday: | Tuesday: Closed
Wednesday & Thursday: 9 am - 5 pm
Friday: 9am - 7pm | Saturday: 9 am - 4 pm
Sunday: by appointment

New Product Lines:

We now carry Easco Show Doors. Stop by for a free estimate.

We are also now a distributor for Top Knobs quality knobs and pulls.


20%-50% all Glass Tile!

Limited time only. Restrictions may apply.